
Who may apply?


All who have at least completed secondary school in one of the countries that do not belong to the European Union, as well as those who meet the linguistic prerequisites. If the language level is not satisfactory, you can in spite of that initiatively apply and contact us.

Legal requirements

Legal requirements for the grant of a work permit or appropriate visa can be found in § 39 of Residency law and Decree on work permits and Decree on employment. 

 Work permit is usually granted if there are the following prerequisites (§ 39 Residency law):

  • There is a concrete job offer
  • Through the employment of foreigners in the German labor market there are no negative effects.
  • Preferred employed (Germans, citizens of the European Union, citizens from countries of the European Economic Community) are not available.
  • Foreign employees are not employed under less favorable conditions of work with respect to the German employees. Labor and employers who want to come to Germany may using the "Migration-Check" employment agency inform themselves on whether in their case it is possible to obtain a work permit.

Special regulations for highly educated

 "EU Blue Card"

Since summer 2012 facilitated conditions for access of highly educated to the labor market in Germany have been applied. The so-called "EU Blue Card" allows highly educated foreign and domestic employees as well as international professional staff and members of their families to faster and under less stringent prerequisites than before can get a work permit in Germany.

 The request for the "Blue Card EU" can be submitted by candidates with specific qualifications, which in targeted employment exceed the set earnings limit.

The residence permit will then be granted without the approval of the Federal Employment Agency (exception: applicants with a foreign university degree who are seeking employment in an occupation for which there is a shortage) Further information on the "Blue Card EU", in particular on the individual requirements and the application procedure, can be found in our information sheet "The Blue Card EU (Blue Card)" under document no. 98464 on our website.

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